Is It Finishing, Or Is It Beginning?

I usually get sucked into articles on organizing and de-cluttering.  Perhaps a reaction to my father and mother, both of whom often didn’t quite finish a lot of things.  And tended to hang on to a lot of…stuff.  Not hoarders, and not un-productive–just busy and on to other things.

And I’ve got my own tendencies to both.  How about you?

But this article really speaks to me right now–as an artist.  You see, I’ve come to realize that much of my artwork isn’t truly finished.  I mean:  the pieces are artistically complete, but…  They’re not finalized for presentation, documented, titled, or even signed!  

Now, I find myself spending a lot of time on a lot of old work, slogging through this necessary process of completion–not just for me, but really more out of respect for my buyers.  Feels good actually.  And, thanks to my commitment to increasing professionalism in my practice, I’ve got procedures to refer to–a checklist, if you will–and when new stuff is done, it really is done, and ready to share with the world.  Yay!

Check out this article–especially if you find you’ve got…a few…unfinished projects or abandoned interests lying about…  Finishing stuff might be more of a beginning than an ending.


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