
A painter at heart, I create imaginative, evocative images….

The work grows from my fascination with all the environments and milieus we experience as we journey through life–not just ‘out there’, but also inside our selves, our souls, our dreams.  Just about anything will inspire a given work, and I often start with a specific goal, but the work itself is a process of discovery–occasionally struggle–as the piece grows beyond my original intentions.  The result?  Often dreamlike images with a hint of mystery and a suggestion of story.  Magic Realist in spirit, they invite you to create your own personal connection and story…

I also do a lot of photography.  And I edit everything…  The best become official ‘works’.  In general, they’re simpler and ‘lighter’ than the paintings, though they spring from that same painter’s sensibility and fascination with environments.

Original and commissioned paintings and photographs.  Reproductions.  Commissioned and commercial graphics.  All with a painter’s sensibility




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